
Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Beginning

My name is Benjamin Weber, and I'm a New Yorker who moved to Japan last year.  When I lived in the US I had eaten some good ramen, but I never really had a grasp on the different styles.  After I moved to Japan my eyes were opened to the myriad ramen blogs and publications, and I entered the true world of ramen.

I got a little carried away, started eating ramen very frequently, and created a Google Map to document my journey.  As I learned and ate more, people started saying I should write a blog.  There are ton of Tokyo ramen blogs already, and I wasn't sure I could bring something new or different to the table, so I hesitated.

Then I got a job in Osaka.  Unlike Tokyo, there aren't so many English language ramen blogs, and that's where I come in.  I don't claim to be a food expert, but I'll try my best to chronicle my eatings.  I'm new at this whole thing, so expect the format to change a couple times, and feel free to shout out things you want to see or questions you want answered.

Let's go down this delicious road together.