
Saturday, September 24, 2011


My second day in Fukuoka was pretty laid back.  I checked out the Yahoo! Dome (where the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks play), walked more around Tenjin, and hung out in the nearby Ohari park.  Some friends and I went to this gyoza shop where beers and gyoza were 100Y each, so although I wanted to eat ramen for dinner, this was too good of a deal to pass up.  It started getting late, but I was not to be stopped, so I had my friend bring us to a yatai, food stalls that Fukuoka is famous for.  As was the theme for this trip, though I wasn't particularly hungry, I ate.


Fukuoka-ken Fukuoka-shi Chūō-ku Tenjin 2丁目14−13

The Bowl
Compared with the ramen I ate the previous day (Taiho and Toyama Black), this was much thinner.  Its pork taste was not as rich with the pork bone flavor as Taiho, but it was very refreshing at that point in the night.  The noodles were thin and chewy; I would have preferred them a bit harder as you can usually get in Hakata, but there were crunchy slices of kikurage to make up for it.

Would I Go Again?
The ramen was very refreshing, and I love yatais, but next time I'm in Fukuoka I'll try another stand.

Should You Go?
You definitely wouldn't go wrong by checking Hana out, but judging by the large number of yatais, there's bound to be some similar-but-better ramen out there.

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