
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Shodai Hidechan

A vacation's not over until it's over.  With a few hours remaining before my friend had to catch his shinkansen home, we decided to make one last attempt at a bowl of ramen.  We headed back to Canal City's Raumen Stadium, where we previously ate Toyama Black but this time went for a more classic Fukuoka-style tonkotsu.  As with the previous time, I was too full for a full bowl, but the mini ramen was the right size.

Shodai Hidechan is inside Canal City's Ramen Stadium.

The Bowl
Yet another rich tonkotsu broth, but much thicker than Isshin Furan and the other Hakata bowls I had.  It was pretty heavy and reminiscent of Muttepo, the king of thick pork ramen.  There was a lot of oil, green onions and bean sprouts, which really came through in the flavor of the soup.  The chashu were thin, fatty strips that melted right in to the thick broth.

Would I Go Again?
It doesn't hold a candle to Muttepo back in Kansai, but it was still very good.  If I lived in Fukuoka I'd probably check it out again, but with Muttepo so close by I don't see a reason to.

Should You Go?
If you're in Fukuoka for a while, it's worth a stop, but if you're going to be in Kansai or Tokyo, there are better options.

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