
Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Another hungry day off from work and it was time for ramen.  I had read about Tamagoro originally in Ramen Walker, and there's a whole bunch of them around Osaka.  Their main dish is the Niboshi Ramen, ramen made with dried sardines.  That may sound exotic, but it's actually not that unusual in the ramen game.  Also of note is that Tamagoro is of the same family as Monjiro, a gyokai tonkotsu shop I reviewed earlier.

煮干しらーめん 五代目 玉五郎
Ōsaka-fu Ōsaka-shi Naniwa-ku Nanbanaka 1丁目5−2
This branch of Tamagoro is quite close to Namba station; it's on the south side of the road between Nankai Namba and JR Namba.

The Bowl
The broth was oily, rich, very peppery, and surprisingly somewhat thin.  The sardine flavor was there, but wasn't overwhelmingly strong.  The noodles were thin and curly, and the menma was very tender.  There was a lot of chashu which was pretty good, but it wasn't as good as many of the other shops in Osaka.  By the end of the bowl the soup got pretty salty.

Would I Go Again?
I had the main bowl, and it didn't blow me away, so I don't think I'll be back a second time.

Should You Go?
If you like sardines, give it a try, but otherwise there are better shops in the area.

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