
Sunday, October 9, 2011


I've been pretty insistent about traveling on my three day weekends, and recently I'd been to Tokyo and Fukuoka.  The beginning of October offered another three day weekend, and the next city on my list was Nagoya.  I'd passed through Nagoya before and been to the castle, but pretty much nowhere else.  I knew I wanted to walk around the downtown area of Sakae, check out Atsuta Jingu, but most of all, eat the heralded Taiwan ramen.

Taiwan ramen is not a style offered in many places, and it was created in Nagoya by Misen.  During a break from filling myself with other Nagoyan treats like miso katsu and ten-musu, I walked to the Yabacho Misen and ordered the classic Taiwan ramen.

Aichi-ken Nagoya-shi Naka-ku Ōsu 3丁目6−3

The Bowl
I tout myself as a guy who likes spice.  And I do.  But when I go to a ramen place that offers a spicy dish, it usually, while delicious, is quite tame.  Misen's Taiwan ramen is not.  It has a clear, thin broth, which is quite spicy, filled with the taste of hot peppers.  The noodles were reminiscent of tan-tan men noodles, thin, curly, and very long.  Chives and ground pork littered the bowl, and my lips were tingly by the end.

Would I Go Again?
Absolutely.  I don't get to Nagoya often, but even if I lived there, I would come by whenever I was hankering for some good spice.

Should You Go?
If you're passing through Nagoya, yes.  If you live in Nagoya, why haven't you gone already?

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