
Friday, January 1, 2021



tl;dr: Here's a list of great Osaka ramen

Welcome to Friends in Ramen, the mad ramblings and reviews of a ramen-obsessed New Yorker who has somehow found himself in Osaka.  I've created this blog for foreigners in Osaka who want to eat good ramen, English speakers abroad who want to eat vicariously in the great east, or anyone else who wants to stop by.

I've tried to keep my ramen shop reviews in a consistent format; there's locational information along with a photo of the outside of the shop, and tags describing the style and location.  If you're looking for something particular, give it a search, or otherwise browse with pleasure!

If you're still reading this and haven't scrolled down to the wonderful pictures of rich salty broth below, here are some good places to get started on the blog:

Best Ramen in Osaka - A list of my favorite shops in Osaka, sorted by type and location
The ramen map - a (near) exhaustive list of the ramen shops I've eaten at in Japan
The Beginning - My first post, and my entrance into Osaka
Who Writes This Thing, Anyway? - More of me talking about myself!
Ramen Glossary - A list of terms that are often used in my posts, in case ramen is new to you

Enjoy Friends in Ramen!

ラーメンの中毒があるなんとなく大阪にいちゃったニューヨーカーが書いている「Friends in Ramen」というブログにようこそ!元々外国人のためにブログを作りましたけど、日本人もラーメンが好きな外国人の意見に興味あるかなと思っていたので、日本語も書くようにしています。日本語はけっこうむずいので、ミスとかあればすみません。いろいろな店で食べたことあるので、もし「こんなスープを飲みたいな」と考えたら、タグとかで検索してください。あとは、適当に楽しんでください!


大阪のベストラーメン:大阪の一番好きなラーメン屋さん。場所と味でソートしています ラーメン地図:今までに全国の食べたことあるラーメン屋さん
The Beginning:大阪のデビュー

Friends in Ramenを楽しみましょう!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. In ramen we trust!! Thanks for sharing...But you're not bored with ramen????

  3. Great and useful commentary.

    Now, to food for thought, if you don't mind:-)

    Perhaps you or your blog readers might want to have a look at “Simon and Hiroko,” “ a dramatic love story located to a large extent in Japan, which has gathered several appreciative reviews and blog interviews.

    Available at:



    On sale at $0.99 for several days only.

    I wish you’d take a stab at it too, as impressions from current residents would be very special for me.

    I lived two years in Tokyo and I enjoyed the place very much.

    Marius Hancu

  4. I love Ramen, so I'm really looking forward to eating my way through a few bowls on my up coming trip. I'm going to Osaka in a few weeks and have been trying to find information about two things:

    eating and,

    entering Onsen or Sento with a tattoo.

    the first one is easy! I jsut ahve to read your blog! LOL The second is not so...

    The consensus seems to be that it's going to be difficult to enter an Onsen with a tatoo:(

    The thing is, I love hot springs, and have been to many all over the world. Given that it's such a big part of Japanese culture, and a must do for a self-confessed spa junky, like me, I really don't want to miss out in Japan!

    The compromise seems to be a private bath...

    I know Osaka isn't really a typical onsen area, but 1 hour away by bus, I believe is Arima, an old spa town.

    Can you recommend a good private onsen in Arima, that is beautiful / traditional / open-air?


    My email

    I know it's not about Ramen, but maybe you can help...?

  5. Hey,

    I am writing a blog about getting the Rairaitei pass card and eating ramen every day for a whole month. However, I will need to come to Osaka this weekend for an exam and I thought I could branch out if I was in an exciting city like Osaka. Just wondering if you had an absolute best of the best ramen shop that i could go to and then blog about? Cheers.

    Feel free to check out my blog:

    1. Wow every day; that's hardcore. I fully endorse your challenge to the point that you don't get a heart attack, but I even more support coming to Osaka and trying different shops. I don't have just one favorite, but if you're coming from a place that's not Tokyo, I'll say check out Muteppo:

      Thick, porky, and Kansai-based. Happy eating!

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  7. Just wanted to say thank you for this blog, I found Shiogensui through it and that was the best ramen I had this trip. I destroyed that bowl, broth and all. Went back for seconds. Thanks again, you changed my life haha!

    1. Thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it - Shiogensui is my favorite shio in Osaka, if not overall.

  8. Hey Ben,

    My name is Joe Pinzone and I'm casting an international
    travel show about expats moving abroad. We'd love to film in Japan and wanted
    to know if you could help us find expats who have moved there within the last
    15 months or have been there for 3-4 years, but recently moved into a new home.
    The show documents their move to a new country and will place the country in
    fabulous light. The contributors on the show would also receive monetary
    compensation if they are filmed. If you'd like more information, please
    give me a call at 212-231-7716 or skype me at joefromnyc. You can also email me
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Joe Pinzone

    Casting Producer

    P: 212-231-7716

    Skype: Joefromnyc

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