
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Naniwa Ramen Tomoro

It was a rainy day and I was hungry, so I didn't want to go far.  Normally for my ramen trips, I try to walk somewhere far, which means that there are still a few places pretty close to me to be tried.  I looked online and found an interesting sounding place, Naniwa Ramen Tomoro.  They have something called aemen, which I had never heard of before.  Apparently aemen is similar to abura soba; it's noodles along with some toppings and spices that are meant to be mixed together and eaten.  The difference is that with aemen, you are also given a sauce to poor onto the noodles as you like.  I went with the curry aemen.

なにわらーめん とも狼
Ōsaka-fu, Ōsaka-shi, Naniwa-ku, Motomachi, 1丁目13−9
Tomoro is west of Namba Parks and Midosuji, on the north side of the street.

The Bowl
I followed the instructions of the staff and started by mixing just the noodles and toppings together, and then added the curry sauce to my liking as I ate.  The mix was generally a little light in flavor, though the spicy oil provided a bit of a kick.  The noodles were very firm, and stuck to each other, making it easy to grab a bunch at at time.  There were several pieces of chashu, and they were very good.  The curry sauce was delicious, but it was thin, so it gave only a light curry flavor to the mix.  After I finished all the noodles and toppings, I proceeded to drink the remaining spicy curry broth.

Would I Go Again?
Yeah, this place was really interesting.  They had a couple other aemens and even some ramen that I'd like to come back and try.

Should You Go?
If you like abura soba, it's worth a visit.  It's a little out of the way, but it's fairly unique.

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