
Sunday, February 5, 2012


It's been a while since I've been up to Juso.  Back last summer, I went to see the Yodogawa fireworks, but  I sadly did not have time to get ramen then.  There are a few places in the area, including a couple that are open all day on Sunday, so I decided to head north of the river.

The shop of the day was Yokanise, a tsukemen shop that serves up a mean gyokai tonkotsu.  It's actually been quite a while since I had gyokai tonkotsu, so I was happy to get some.  Yokanise had a limited time curry tsukemen, and I had to work very hard to keep myself from ordering it, but I was able to pull through and order the negi tsukemen.

麺や よかにせ
Ōsaka-fu, Ōsaka-shi, Yodogawa-ku, Jūsōhonmachi, 2丁目8−4
Yokanise is west of Juso Station on the north side of Juso Suji.

The Bowl
Well, negi, the white onions piled on top of the noodles above, was in the name of the dish, and it delivered on that.  The fat and chewy noodles also went with some menma, and the chashu that was already in the broth.  The soup was a frothy gyokai tonkotsu that tasted a bit porkier than others I've had, and had a bit of spice to it too.  The small chashu pieces in the broth tasted a bit different from standard chashu, but were very flavorful.  On the side was this special fruit vinegar with onions in it.  It was sweet and sour and really cut into the spice and richness of the soup.  I preferred the original taste of the soup when dipping the noodles, but the onions went well with the wari-soup.

Would I Go Again?
Yeah, this place was quite good.  I'm still interested in that curry tsukemen, too...

Should You Go?
There are plenty of good gyokai tonkotsu shops closer to central Osaka, but Juso's not that far, and Yokanise is good.

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