
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ryukishin LAB0

Long time readers of Friends in Ramen will recall that a while ago I went to a shop called Ryukishin in  Kyoto. It's a pretty good shio ramen shop with branches in Kyoto, Osaka, and even now in the Kansai Airport and London. Recently they opened up an experimental shop where the late Tsukmen Tetsu used to be called Ryukishin LAB0. Every once in a while they change styles, and I found about it just in time to catch the last weekend of the first style: tantanmen.

Ōsaka-fu, Ōsaka-shi, Naniwa-ku, Nanbanaka, 1丁目14−12

The Bowl
This was a solid if standard bowl of tantanmen. Spicy, bright orange broth that tastes a lot like chili oil, and thin, round, firm noodles. But it was good and I hadn't had standard tantanmen in almost a year. There were some interesting toppings; ground pork, onions, and what looked like fried lotus root.

Would I Go Again?
I would like to, but by time of writing LAB0 has changed themes. I'm sure I'll go for the next one though.

Should You Go?
You can't get tantanmen anymore, but if the next theme is as good, it's worth checking out.

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