
Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Sakuranomiya is mostly a ramen-free area. It's an area on the Osaka Loop Line, mostly notable for the park nearby. In the spring, the park lights up with cherry blossoms and people, and in the summer it has a small beach area that's good to sit by or dip your feet in. At night though, there's not much going on, except for the one shop I've had on my list for a long time now: Koryumasu.

Koryumasu is consistently in the top rankings of Osaka ramen on the internet, so it was in my sights. They serve a heavy chicken bowl with a side of as-much-garlic-as-you-can-eat. I tried to go here once a while back, but failed because it was closed for no reason, as ramen shops often are. Luckily this time was a success, and I could eat Koryumasu's garlicky chicken ramen.



A side of garlic that my coworkers were not too happy about the next day.

The Bowl
The bowl offered a molasses-like thick chicken broth that overpowered me and started to fill me up pretty quickly. It's a lot like the well-known kotteri chicken ramen offered at Kyoto's famous Tenkaippin, but balanced a bit better. The noodles were thin, but that didn't stop them from soaking up loads of the soup. The pork came in ample supply, and tasted like the sweet pork that you often see at Chinese restaurants. Last of all was the garlic. Just when I thought I was overwhelmed by the sheer bulk of the broth, the garlic adds a welcome kick. It wasn't enough to help me finish the bowl, but a man's stomach only has so much it can take.


Would I Go Again?
It's a bit too much for me on my own, but it's definitely a place I would take a friend who was looking for this kind of ramen.


Should You Go?
If you like super rich ramen like Muteppo, or thick chicken ramen like Tenkaippin, this is the place for you.



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