
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Motor Boo

Kitashinchi is a neighborhood that hides a lot more ramen shops than you'd expect. Sure, it's a place to go to drink on weekend night, but it's also higher class - filled with the type that wouldn't necessarily finish their night off with a bowl of steaming noodles. Of all the neighborhoods in downtown Osaka I mean to visit more, especially for ramen, Kitashinchi might rank first. Which is why it's good that I decided to go to the second floor bar/shop Motor Boo.

Motor Boo's atmosphere was as weird as its name. It was old, with a TV on the wall, and somehow had attained the smokiness of a well-worn pub without it actually smelling smoky. It was dark, so the photos I took did not come out well, so you'll have to go and experience the snack bar from a yesteryear yourself. At any rate, there was one item on the menu, and it was tsukemen.

北新地にはラーメン屋さんが意外と多いです。そこで飲んでいる人が多いですけど普通に帰る前にしめラーメンを食べるイメージとかしません。「もっと行ったらいいけど」と思っている地区の中に北新地が一番かもしれません。だから今回「Motor Boo」という店に行くことにしました。

Motor Booの雰囲気は名前みたいに変でした。古かったし昔の映画がテレビで映ったしすっている人がいなかったのにスモーキーという雰囲気がしました。暗かったので写真がうまく撮れませんでしたから昭和のスナックラーメン屋さんを見たければ自分でぜひ行ってください。とにかく一つのメニューしかなかったので「つけ麺」を頼みました。

The Bowl
As per standard, I was given a bowl of broth and a bowl of noodles. The soup was thin but fruity - it tasted like the essence of sweet onion, mashed into a boiling soup. Despite the fact that the soup wasn't very thick, the fat, grainy noodles matched the sweet broth, and went even better with a sprinkle of ground pepper.

Halfway through the meal I was additionally handed a raw egg in a bowl, for extra dipping. I was instructed to dip the noodles in the egg, as desired, for a different texture. I didn't know what to expect, but I've seen raw egg and ramen work out well, so I gave it a try. What I got was a creamy, smooth texture to the thick noodle. I appreciated the variety, but the egg prevented the noodle from picking up the soup as well, so I preferred it without.



Would I Go Again?
I'd love to bring a friend here.


Should You Go?
This is a weird spot. Check it out.



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