
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Shinpuku Saikan

It was a Friday night and I had plans in Kyoto. They were pretty late, and near Kyoto Station, which meant that that I could hit up a ramen shop I'd been meaning to visit for a long time. Kyoto is known for its two types of shoyu ramen, an assari kind and a kotteri kind. The kotteri ramen is perhaps most associated with chain Tenkaippin, whose flagship shop I visited last year. Finally I had a chance to visit the flagship shop of the most famous shop of the assari kind: Shinpuku Saikan.

An old school shop with a line, the only bowl offered was the chuka soba. This kind of traditionalism reminded me favorable of other classic shops, like Shukaen or Ganso Nagahamaya.



The Bowl
Medium yellow noodles, dark shoyu broth, and thin slices of chashu fit the bill of a classic chuka soba shop in my eyes. The broth's hoisin-sauce style flavor and saltiness was too strong to drink in large quantities, but just strong enough to provide a powerful flavor to the soft, tender noodles. The chashu was pretty tough, but the fatty slices were salty and brimming with flavor. This kind of simple, salty ramen is where a lot of mediocre shops go wrong, but good, classic shops nail it.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?
Yes, it's a Kyoto classic.



Saturday, July 26, 2014

Ryukishin RIZE

It was a weekday night and I was walking home form work. I wanted to stop to get something to eat, so I decided to try recently opened miso shop Men no Kuni. However, it happened to be Men no Kuni's set day off, so I couldn't go in. Looking for a backup, I turned to Namba Parks's branch of Ryukishin. I had been there once before I started writing this blog, but the restaurant has since been renovated and given the RIZE subtitle so I was curious to see what was different.

They had a variety of clear and thick shio bowls, and I went with the spicy meat and chicken taitan shio soba. That's a mouth full.



The Bowl
Shio is not normally a style you associate with a thick and meaty broth, but RIZE's bowl was just that. The rich umami of the soup was more like a sauce for the medium, square noodles. It was like a cream sauce pasta, and traces of my bowl at Bokkoshi flashed by. There were bits of friend onions and long strips of menma to go along with the two slices of chashu, that weren't so exciting, but were made delicious by being covered in the saucy soup.


Would I Go Again?
Yeah, I've been a fan of Ryukishin in the past, and this may even be the best branch.


Should You Go?
Yeah, check it out.



Saturday, July 19, 2014


A little while back I went to new shop Mondorian for a special limited bowl of ramen. They gave me a coupon for a free egg the next time I visited, so I decided I needed to come back again to try their standard fare. Mondorian offered three bowls: a red tonkotsu, black sardine shoyu, and a white chicken paitan. The red was the recommended, so I decided to go with that one.


The Bowl
Like some of the tonkotsu bowls I had first tried when I came to Japan, Mondorian's broth was covered in layers of oil and filled with chunks of jelly-like lard. It was thick and fatty, kind of like a light if salty version of Kansai classic Muteppo. The noodles were surprisingly thick; thin noodles are normally associated with tonkotsu, but the broth was thick enough that these worked quite well. The dark chashu was tender and flavorful, and like the broth, covered in fat.


Would I Go Again?
For a place that made me feel completely dead after eating it, I would hope for it to have a little higher quality and a little less straight fat. I probably won't be back.


Should You Go?
This one is for people who love super thick, salty ramen. Others can skip.



Thursday, July 10, 2014

Men Ippai

Tsukamoto Station - a place I had heard of but never visited. I had heard of it only in passing; a couple times from people, and once as the location of a branch of Suzume. I assumed that that meant there would be a bustling area surrounded by the station, so on a lazy Sunday I walked over there. I arrived and there was...nothing. Not wanting to leave completely empty-handed, I took a photo of the station name.


And let's not forget that while I was there I stopped at Men Ippai. A couple of shoyu bowls: one assari and one kotteri. A long walk on a hot day meant that I wanted to try the lighter one and I went for the assari.


The Bowl
A classic looking shoyu, the broth glimmered with oil and gobs of pig fat. There was salt, and maybe a little fish, along with the straight, noodles that looked uneven as if they were handmade. The grease extended to the piece of chashu stretched across the top of the bowl, and like the broth, the chashu was passable but left something to be desired.


Would I Go Again?
Nah, it was far and disappointing.


Should You Go?



Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sekai Ichi Himana Ramenya

A few weeks a new ramen shop opened up in Nakanoshima. After several attempts to visit it, I finally found a day I knew it would be open, and went by. Run by the same people of Kuso Oyaji Saigo no Hitofuri and Jinrui Mina Menrui, this shop was sure to have a strange name as well. In English means "The World's Most Idle Ramen Shop". The menu items all had weird names and their "personalities" were based on the different owners of the aforementioned shops. I asked for a recommendation and went with the CAPTAIN GOLD shoyu.

何週間前に中之島に新しい店ができました。何回か行ってみたんですけど、ようやく空いている日を調べて行きました。「くそおやじ最後のひとふり」と「人類みな麺類」を作った人に作られたのでやっぱり変な名前がありました。全てのメニュー名も変で味は店主の性格に基づいているらしいです。おすすめの「CAPTAIN GOLD」醤油にしました。

"The most desarted Rámen-Bar in the world..."
Can I just order that?
The Bowl
If you look at that picture of the bowl and think you see a giant circular piece of chashu floating at the top, that's because that is what you see. Not to be defated by their sister shop, Sekai Ichi made sure the chashu was so big I couldn't see the bottom of the bowl. The golden soy sauce soup was smooth and easy to drink; light but tasty enough that I couldn't stop. The square noodles were light too, but chewy. Of course the chashu was huge and juicy, but it kept with the assari feel of the rest of the bowl, and made for a winning combination.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?

