
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sanjin Sanjin

I had to get home to do some packing for a trip to Toyama and Nagano, but I also needed to eat dinner. I did a quick search of ramen shops in Umeda that I could swing into on my way home and found one that I had passed many times and never entered: Sanjin Sanjin. Sanjin Sanjin is a small chain from Kobe that offered two kinds of soups: a mild chicken and pork, and a garlicky shoyu. Normally I lean for the kotteri ramen, but I needed to still be able to function after eating, so I went with the mild.


The Bowl
The broth was fairly easy to drink, a standard tonkotsu-style broth with very soft edges. The miso on top was solid and added some variety to the too-regular bowl, and the sesame and bean sprouts were a good touch, but by the end it felt like drinking leftovers of a bean sprout soup.


Would I Go Again?
It wasn't bad, but definitely not worth visiting again.


Should You Go?



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