
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Men no Yoji

Near Tanimachi Kyuchome Station, there used to be a ramen shop called Osaka Kobushi. It was on my list for a while, but I never got around to going there. Then one day it disappeared, and in it's place (I believe it was just a renaming) came Men no Yoji.

Men no Yoji is not a shop that shies away from the crazy: they have tantan mazemen, sukiyaki tsukemen, and curry aemen, all of which interested me. Those bowls may have their days, but on this day I went with the, if only slightly, more standard chicken wing paitan ramen.



The Bowl
Men no Yoji nailed the holy grail of a kotteri bowl of ramen: it was rich and flavorful without overloading my taste buds, and it left me wanting more after I finished. The syrupy broth had a deep flavor likened to saucy chicken wings, as opposed to the creamy or even fishy soups other chicken shops go with. The flavor was accentuated with the thin, sticky noodles, and balanced by thin slices of more standard chicken. A unique, and all around wonderful bowl.


Would I Go Again?
Yes. The real problem is deciding whether to order this again or try something else.


Should You Go?



Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Osaka Bakufu

I am always on a quest to find new and inventive ramen shops, but sometimes I need to stop and visit the shops that are right in front of my nose. Osaka Bakufu has been around as long as I've been in Osaka, and with it's central location in Shinsaibashi, it's a wonder I hadn't been there before. At any rate, I was meeting some friends in Shinsaibashi, and I so I decided that it would be the night I would try Bakufu. I chose the recommended black tonkotsu shoyu.


The Bowl
The broth was smooth and milky; it had been a long time since I tasted this kind of a tonkotsu broth. The creamy soup was dotted with speckles of ma-yu, a black garlicky oil, so the flavor was a mix of rich tonkotsu and garlic. The medium noodles were coated in the slippery oil, making them easy to slurp, and the flavor carried on to the one big slice of chashu. It wasn't the best tonkotsu I've had, but it was solid enough, and the friends I went to meet regretted me having filled my mouth with garlic.


Would I Go Again?
It was solid but nothing special, so I won't be back.


Should You Go?
For ma-yu lovers it might be good, otherwise there are better places in the area.


心斎橋 大阪麦風らーめん

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


A walk around Denden Town at night and I found new abura soba shop Kirinji by the people behind classic Suzume. Abura soba is a pretty rare form of ramen in these parts, so I'm always happy to see a new shop. Kirinji had a simple menu, so I went with the recommended half-boiled egg abura soba.


The Bowl
The noodles filling the bowl were medium-thick and chewy, and the whole mix had a light oil and seaweed flavor. As with many abura soba bowls, the simple flavor asks for toppings to be added. The vinegar wasn't too sour, which was a good change of pace from some places that can have the bowl pushed a bit too far in that direction, but the spicy miso is what really shone. It added a kick to the otherwise slightly-too-bland combination of toppings, vinegar, and ra-yu.


Would I Go Again?
There was nothing particularly special, so I won't be back.


Should You Go?
Unless you're hankering abura soba you can safely skip this one.



Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I had some unusual post-lunch weekend plans in Umeda, but not a lot of time. Luckily, as it has in the past, the Osaka Ekimae buildings were there to help me. A tomato ramen shop I hadn't had a chance to visit in building 3 closed recently, but in its place sprouted Yu, a shrimp ramen shop. Shrimp was assumed, the choice was between shio, shoyu, and miso. On most days I would have gone miso without a thought, but I didn't want too heavy of a meal so opted for the shio.


The Bowl
The soup was centered around its simple shio broth, filled with shrimpy flavor. A broth like this might not be anything notable at another shop, but the shrimp mixed in seeped into the rough yellow noodles, and the toppings alike. The noodles were good like that, but unfortunately the egg was a bit overcooked, and the thin slices of chicken chashu were lackluster. It was a solid effort, but didn't hit the highs of other shrimpy bowls I've had.


Would I Go Again?
Probably not.


Should You Go?
If you like shrimp, this is a place worth stopping by.


なにわ海老らーめん 祐