
Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Field trip! This year during my annual trip to New York for New Year's, I decided to stop at a new place: Vancouver, Canada. I had never been to Vancouver before, so I was excited to see Canada's chillest city, and eat lots of Chinese food and poutine. I was conflicted about spending one of my valuable meals on ramen, but I threw caution to the wind and had my friend bring me to one of the more notable ramen shops in the area, G-Men in Richmond.

G-Men didn't have a discernible standard, but after talking to them, I decided on the tantanmen. After all, as they say in G-Men, "Once tan tan, forever tan tan."


G-Menの定番はないみたいですけど、店員と相談してから担々麺にしました。やっぱり、G-Menで言う「Once tan tan, forever tan tan」に従わなあかん。

The Taiyo no To!

Appetizer karaage

The Bowl
This was a weird bowl of tantanmen. In Japan, I would expect tantanmen to be a bit oily, but otherwise have the same consistency as most other ramen. G-Men's bowl was more like a syrupy sesame paste, mixed together with curly noodles, sprouts, and very flavorful bits of pork. It was different, but it was good. I enjoy sesame, so even if it's a bit weird, I'm not complaining.


Would I Go Again?
If I lived in Vancouver I would; I don't think I'll make it all the way to Richmond again, though.


Should You Go?
Check it out if you live in Vancouver.



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