
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Senba Tantanmen

Some shops in Osaka have downright unreasonable hours. Highly ranked Yashichi is only open on weekdays for lunch, but happens to conveniently be by my office. Berashio down south is just open from 11 to 1 on weekdays. Add to the list Senba Tantanmen. It's a tantanmen shop in the heart of Horie, open only for lunch while I'm working. I happened to have a random half day off, so with no other plans, I headed for Horie and ordered their Sichuan style rich tantanmen.


The Bowl
A bowl of red; a layer of transparent oil on top, but too murky to see inside. The soup was spicy and chunky, and I swear a sensed a tomato flavor to it, or maybe it just reminded me of tomato ramen. Floating amidst the soup were yellow translucent noodles, chewy and mixed in with the ground pork and bean sprouts. The oil wore me down a bit by the end, but the rice on the side did a lot to keep it at bay, at least until I was finished my meal and ready to lie down.


Would I Go Again?
I would, if it were feasible.


Should You Go?
This tantanmen is worth a lunch break, if you can make it.



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