
Saturday, January 31, 2015


Fushimi is an area in Kyoto known for having a wealth of sake breweries. My friend offered to show me around, and so we went from brewery to brewery trying different kinds of sake. Somewhere in the midst of our day drunkenness we needed to eat, so he took me to famous chicken izakaya Torisei. We got a couple grilled chicken dishes, but of course we needed to try the chicken ramen as well.


The Bowl
The ramen was a cloudy, flavorful chicken broth, with thin but chewy noodles. Completing the theme, in place of pork chashu were pieces of yakitori. There were kikurage mushrooms, menma, bean sprouts, and green onions as well. It was simple, but great for what it was.


Would I Go Again?
Yeah, if I was in the area.


Should You Go?
Yes, while you're in the area sake tasting.



Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Fusuma ni Kakero

I had been to recently-booming newcomer Strike-ken, and to its co-creator's other shop, Fusuma ni Kakero during the evening for shoyu ramen. But now I finally had to try the daytime shio ramen. I ran there from work in order to make sure I could get in and out in time.


Their sign was made out of cardboard

The Bowl
Similar to the Sinker at Strike-ken, this was no ordinary shio. There were clams, thick, grainy noodles, slices of chicken and juicy pink chashu. The soup was a richer blend than your standard shio, which lent itself to the recommended heavier noodles. The contrast between the chicken, clams, and pork helped keep the bowl interesting; the chicken was a light palette cleanser where the pork tasted almost like a well-spiced steak. A strange combination, but undoubtedly a good one.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?
For the ramen connoisseur in Osaka, Fusuma ni Kakero is a must.


麬にかけろ 中崎壱丁 中崎商店會1-6-18号ラーメン

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Hiroshima! I got a chance to visit Onomichi last year, but it had been so long since I visited the namesake capital of Hiroshima prefecture. I traveled with some friends and a tourist, so we mixed in a bit of tourism with a bit of just checking out the city. Of course that means eating lots of different things, including Hiroshima's famous spicy tsukemen.


Itsukushima Shrine
Momiji manju
Itsukushima ginger beer

Bakudanya is the most famous chain of Hiroshima spicy tsukemen shops, so that was our goal. They have a spiciness scale that goes all the way up to 100, but sadly they dissuaded me from being too crazy and I went with spicy level 5 and a half-boiled egg for kicks.


The Bowl
One bowl full of a frigid, red liquid, with a whole bucket of sesame seeds dumped in, and another with more cabbage than a nabe. Where do I even start? The cold-but-spicy combination is an unusual one, reminding me of such dishes as Chinese spicy pig-ear salad. The spice wasn't too much, but it lingered, letting my lips tingle ever so slightly as I took in the refreshing broth. The clear noodles differed from the cabbage and other toppings only in texture, as everything was light and took in the sesame flavor of the soup. It takes a special kind of spice to leave me feeling good and my stomach feeling intact after a full meal of tsukemen.


Would I Go Again?
This place was unique and refreshing, I would go again.


Should You Go?


廣島つけ麺本舗 ばくだん屋

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Baka Yaro

A new ramen shop in Nakazakicho! That's very easy for me to get to, so it was a mere two days after opening that I went to visit it. They specialize in tonkotsu, and offer three blends: black, red, and white. All three seemed good, so I went with the red, which had a dollop of miso resting on the surface.


The Bowl
The tonkotsu broth was thick as mud, and covered in a layer of oil. It doesn't stand up to the molasses-like sludge at Muteppo, but it was more viscous than almost any other shop I've been too. Unfortunately it was a little bland, but the miso paste made up for it and they made a better combination together than either apart. The egg too was lacking flavor, and sadly the red did not come with any chashu, so I was left very full, but wanting.


Would I Go Again?
Maybe, since it's close to where I work, but I'm in no rush.


Should You Go?
This is place for lovers of thick tonkotsu only.



Saturday, January 17, 2015


Taiwan ramen is mostly a Nagoya thing, most famously known in beloved Misen. However, there is one shop in Osaka that advertises Taiwan ramen, sneakily similarly named Ajisen (the name is the same when written in Japanese). I was in the mood for something spicy on the way home from work one day, so I stopped in the centrally located Shinsaibashi shop. They offered four different spice levels, and I went with the second spiciest.


The Bowl
The style of the broth matched the standard Misen: thin and clear, but oily and not lacking in spice. There were bits of celery sprinkled on the surface, leading to a pickly current running through the soup. There was something missing though; the flavors didn't stand out the way they did in Misen, and it wasn't helped by the thin, bland noodles. Bobbing in and out of the broth was an onsen egg, hard-boiled strangely like you see in Taiwan.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?
You can skip this one.



Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hi wa Mata Noboru

Finally, a new shop close to where I live! I don't normally have much of a reason to visit Taisho, but with a new ramen shop there I have an excuse to pass by Little Okinawa, but unfortunately no excuse to eat there. Hi wa Mata Noboru specializes in sardine ramen and tsukemen, and I decided to go with the tsukemen.


The Bowl
The broth started off with a strong sardine kick. It was thin for tsukemen but flavorful. The same cannot be said of the noodles - they were super thick, which mind have worked well for another broth, but with one this thin they often ended up cold and a little bland. There was plenty of chashu too, but unfortunately that didn't stand out either. Not inedible by any means, but not a standout bowl either.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?
You can skip this one.



Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Some shops change owners quickly in Osaka, and some shops change so often that you can't recommend them to someone before they are gone. Ide is the shop in Amemura that replaced late night shio shop Kuramitsu. At the time of writing, Ide is already gone, however, and has been replaced by a new tonkotsu shop.

Ide is a branch of a tsukemen shop located in Kitahama, associated with Menya Teru and Tsukemen Senmonten Matsuura. Sounds like a thick gyokai tonkotsu tsukemen, which is what I ordered.



The Bowl
This was a thick and sweet bowl of tsukemen; the broth and noodles were both super thick, to a degree I don't usually see outside of Tokyo. It was a welcome change from some of the thinner tsukemen often found in Osaka, and if there was some spice added it would have resembled my beloved Enji from Tokyo, or Nagoya's Yamasho. Hidden below the surface of the soup were chewy chunks of oily chashu, and equally thick blocks of menma. A shop this good and filling shouldn't be open in the stay-up-late drunk ramen part of Amemura...which is maybe why it no longer is.


Would I Go Again?
I would like to, but it no longer exists. I did go to the main shop, though.


Should You Go?
It no longer exists, so you'll have to stick with Suzume.


つけ麺 井手

Monday, January 5, 2015

Dotonbori Ramen Festa (Menya Taku)

The Bowl
Broth Description

Would I Go Again?

Should You Go?
