
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Menya 7.5Hz+

I had just recently visited Menya 7.5Hz+, when I found I was due for another visit. Ramen Adventures blogger Brian was in town, and with just a couple of hours before his train left, we had to think fast to find an interesting shop. I was happy to introduce Brian to the Osakan specialty Takaida-kei ramen, and what better place than Menya 7.5Hz+? I had just tried the ramen again recently, so I went for their advertised Takaida tsukemen this time.

最近麺屋7.5Hz+に行きましたけど、また行くことになりました。Ramen Adventuresのブロガーブライアンぱいせんはたまたま大阪にいて、あまり時間がなかったので早くどっかに行かないとだめでした。結局大阪の名物高井田系ラーメンを紹介しようと決めて、麺屋7.5Hz+へ行くことにしました。前回ラーメンを食べたので今回つけ麺にしました。

The Bowl
Wow, they really just took their soup and separated it from the noodles. These noodles were a bit thicker than the already thick noodles that they use for the ramen, which meant they were were fat and firm. They did not benefit from having lots of salt soaked in them as Takaida-kei ramen usually does, so it fell a little flat overall.


Would I Go Again?
Yes, but I would switch back to the ramen.


Should You Go?
Yes; get the ramen.



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