
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Menya Hoi

Stop number four on the Ra-sai stamp rally! I trekked a little bit out of the way up to Toyonaka to once again meet up with Philoramen and try tori paitan shop Hoi. They advertised a thick and thin soup, both recommended, so I leaned as I always do for the thicker one.


The Bowl
The broth was a thick and syrupy chicken; rich without being too powerful, with a bit of a woody taste to it. The noodles were medium size and tasted almost like soba noodles. It was a flavor that stood out through the goopy soup.

The toppings were not to be outdone in Hoi's bowl, though. Hiding just below the surface was a slice of duck. Unusual for ramen, it was well seasoned with pepper and other spices. There was a ginger-filled meatball that tasted like a bite of Chinese xiao long bao. The chicken went the other route; simple and clean with a chew that let me forget the amount of salt and fat I was taking in.



Would I Go Again?
Yes, and I have since.


Should You Go?


麺屋 ほぃ

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