
Sunday, March 29, 2015


After my preparation the night before, I was off to Toyama. I had gone pretty close on my trip to Kanazawa the year before, but this time I was planning on touring Toyama city and then heading on the Kurobe Alpine Route to see Kurobe Dam.


Whoops, I messed up in my Toyama Castle photo
 Toyama City
Firefly squid
White shrimp
Toyama craft beer Ecchu Fuga

But I wouldn't dream of stopping in Toyama without trying their famous ramen. I've had it on occasion before, but now with a chance to have it in its birthplace, I looked for a famous shop in the city, and made my way to Taiki.


The Bowl
They say that Toyama ramen was created in the fifties; laborers were working all day, and needed sodium to replenish all the salt they were sweating out. Where there's a need, business will fulfill it and extra-salty Toyama black was born. Workers would take rice from home, and use that to counteract the salt in the ramen itself.

I have to say, I understand why that rice was there. The pitch black soup was maybe the saltiest ramen I've ever had. In other bowls that would disappoint me, but with Toyama black that's kind of the point. Similar to Osaka's Takaida-kei ramen, you're not really supposed to drink the soup (although I did anyway), it's more of a flavoring agent for the absorbent yellow ropes of noodles. The menma were super thick too, and it was impossible to eat one of the slices of chashu without feeling like I took a small shot of soy sauce. I was not let down by this bowl.



Would I Go Again?
Toyama black is not an every day thing; it was a bit much but I also really enjoyed it; I would go back.


Should You Go?
For any ramen tourist, Taiki or a similar shop is a must stop.



Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sanjin Sanjin

I had to get home to do some packing for a trip to Toyama and Nagano, but I also needed to eat dinner. I did a quick search of ramen shops in Umeda that I could swing into on my way home and found one that I had passed many times and never entered: Sanjin Sanjin. Sanjin Sanjin is a small chain from Kobe that offered two kinds of soups: a mild chicken and pork, and a garlicky shoyu. Normally I lean for the kotteri ramen, but I needed to still be able to function after eating, so I went with the mild.


The Bowl
The broth was fairly easy to drink, a standard tonkotsu-style broth with very soft edges. The miso on top was solid and added some variety to the too-regular bowl, and the sesame and bean sprouts were a good touch, but by the end it felt like drinking leftovers of a bean sprout soup.


Would I Go Again?
It wasn't bad, but definitely not worth visiting again.


Should You Go?



Sunday, March 22, 2015

Toga no Ya

Months ago a shop opened up not too far from where I work, but for some reason I never got around to visiting. Eventually passing by a giant "tsukemen" sign all the time wore me down, so I finally swung by after work and ordered the shoyu tsukemen.


The Bowl
Toga no Ya presented a bowl of shoyu broth with a deep gyokai influence. Unlike tonkotsu-strong variants, this broth was much rounder and easy to drink, which went well with the whole grain noodles. Add to that a strong egg and couple slices of chashu and you have a bowl that is not blowing anyone's mind, but is one you'd happily eat on your way home.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?
I would go if you're looking for tsukemen in the area, but I wouldn't go too far out of my way.



Thursday, March 19, 2015


In one of my yearly trips to Tokyo, my friends and I decided to walk the Ginza line. No long stroll around Tokyo would be complete without a stop at a good ramen shop on the line, so this time we went to my friend's recommended: . That is, the shop has no name. Clever, I guess? People call it "mumei", which means "nameless" in Japanese. My friend recommended the shoyu ramen, so that's what I went for.


The Bowl
Mumei's shoyu was like one I had never seen. It was a shoyu potage, a rich bowl that tasted more like a potato and vegetable stew than ramen. The giant flat noodles and quarter-bowl fat-laden slice of chashu were perfect choices for the hearty meal. Waiting to mix into the stew was a dollop of miso, that brought salty seafood flavors with it into the rest of the broth. My only complaint about this bowl was that I had to keep walking after I finished it.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?


『 』(無銘)

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Shiru Nashi

Tantanmen is one of my favorite kinds of ramen (or ramen-like noodle dishes if you don't consider it ramen), and there's really not enough in Osaka. Let alone soupless tantanmen. But in steps Horie newcomer Shiru Nashi, brought to you by the same parent company as Kyuji. They opened in a good location, so I went with a friend to try their namesake dish - soupless tantanmen.


The Bowl
This is the simplest kind of abura soba - some eggy noodles, onions, sesame, and a solid dose of ra-yu chili oil. Mixing it together gives just a light tantan taste, with Sichuan numbing spice that grows a little bit with each bite. There's nothing deep here waiting to punch you in the face after each bite, just a simple, solid execution.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?
If you like soupless tantanmen.



Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Tenma is an area with a ton of ramen shops and other restaurants, but for some reason I don't find myself there as often as I should. On one random weeknight, though, I was hankering for tsukemen, and discovered online the shop Tenshiro, in Tenma. Tenshiro is actually a sister shop to Menya Teru, and that was all I needed to know to decide to check it out.


The Bowl
Tenshiro makes its broth from a combination of two soups: one with chicken and pork, and the other with fish. The fish stood out: the broth was thinner than average, and the seafood essence was stronger than its umami, but the combination didn't work quite as well as other similar examples. The noodles, fatty chashu, and egg were all fairly standard but pretty decent; the main component that stood above the rest was the unique sudachi vinegar on the side. It was light and refreshing compared to the heavy tsukemen.


Would I Go Again?
I felt the same way about Teru's tsukemen - it's not bad, but there are better places to go.


Should You Go?


麺や 天四郎

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Motor Boo

Kitashinchi is a neighborhood that hides a lot more ramen shops than you'd expect. Sure, it's a place to go to drink on weekend night, but it's also higher class - filled with the type that wouldn't necessarily finish their night off with a bowl of steaming noodles. Of all the neighborhoods in downtown Osaka I mean to visit more, especially for ramen, Kitashinchi might rank first. Which is why it's good that I decided to go to the second floor bar/shop Motor Boo.

Motor Boo's atmosphere was as weird as its name. It was old, with a TV on the wall, and somehow had attained the smokiness of a well-worn pub without it actually smelling smoky. It was dark, so the photos I took did not come out well, so you'll have to go and experience the snack bar from a yesteryear yourself. At any rate, there was one item on the menu, and it was tsukemen.

北新地にはラーメン屋さんが意外と多いです。そこで飲んでいる人が多いですけど普通に帰る前にしめラーメンを食べるイメージとかしません。「もっと行ったらいいけど」と思っている地区の中に北新地が一番かもしれません。だから今回「Motor Boo」という店に行くことにしました。

Motor Booの雰囲気は名前みたいに変でした。古かったし昔の映画がテレビで映ったしすっている人がいなかったのにスモーキーという雰囲気がしました。暗かったので写真がうまく撮れませんでしたから昭和のスナックラーメン屋さんを見たければ自分でぜひ行ってください。とにかく一つのメニューしかなかったので「つけ麺」を頼みました。

The Bowl
As per standard, I was given a bowl of broth and a bowl of noodles. The soup was thin but fruity - it tasted like the essence of sweet onion, mashed into a boiling soup. Despite the fact that the soup wasn't very thick, the fat, grainy noodles matched the sweet broth, and went even better with a sprinkle of ground pepper.

Halfway through the meal I was additionally handed a raw egg in a bowl, for extra dipping. I was instructed to dip the noodles in the egg, as desired, for a different texture. I didn't know what to expect, but I've seen raw egg and ramen work out well, so I gave it a try. What I got was a creamy, smooth texture to the thick noodle. I appreciated the variety, but the egg prevented the noodle from picking up the soup as well, so I preferred it without.



Would I Go Again?
I'd love to bring a friend here.


Should You Go?
This is a weird spot. Check it out.



Sunday, March 1, 2015

Rarara no Ramen Ittonriki

It's not every day I make it down to Sakai, but sometimes I get the hankering for a bowl of ramen or tsukemen that's famous down there. In fact, the last time I went out of my way to Sakai for a bowl of ramen was a year and a half ago. Similar to that time, it wasn't any dish that could tempt me, but curry tsukemen.

Rarara no Ramen is a shop I had read about in Ramen Walker ages ago, and kept wanting to go. As soon as I arrived, I realized they offered so many other items, such as a spicy miso tsukemen, but it was curry tsukemen I came for, so it was curry tsukemen I ordered.



The Bowl
A dip of the noodles into the curry revealed that this well-spiced, hearty broth showed the signs of a great meal: the curry wasn't just good with the noodles, it would have been delicious eaten on its own or with rice. I did not reject the flat, grainy noodles, though which like the under-flavored chashu, came into their own after sucking in the rich soup. Even towards the end, although the soup was a bit salty when drank on its own, the wari-soup diluted it just enough to make for an after-dinner light curry snack.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?


らららのらーめん 一豚力