
Thursday, March 10, 2016


Although I had eaten a couple bowls of soupless tantanmen in Hiroshima, I wanted to try some of the spicy tsukemen that I had discovered a year earlier. Last time I went to chain shop Bakudanya, so this time I looked up a shop Hayariya and headed there.

汁なし担々麺を2杯食べたので、次か去年わかってきた辛いつけ麺を食べてみたかったです。前回爆弾屋という店に行って、今回「流行屋」という店に行ってみました。 was closed. I did a bit more research and found another shop a bit away called Karabu, and I headed over.


There was a wide range of spiciness, and I went with the level 10 "very spicy".


The Bowl
I was given a plate full of cabbage and cold noodles, along with a deep red sesame oil mix. The sesame soup was thin with waves of thicker sesame oil inside. It was properly spicy, and with the firm noodles and crisp vegetables, it tasted like a southeast Asian spicy salad. The chashu too was a little crispy, and was a nice thicker alternative to the light vegetables.


Would I Go Again?
It was definitely good, but next time I'm in Hiroshima, I'll try another shop.


Should You Go?
Yeah, check it out.


つけ麺本舗 辛部

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