
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ramen Expo - Day 2

I had already made a trip to the Ramen Expo in 2015, but that was just because the ramen shop I originally wanted to go to was closed. It was time for my requisite trip to the Ramen Expo, and I was happy to have a chance to try more of the shops.

Ramen Expoにもう一回行っていましたけど、その時行きたいラーメン屋さんが行けなかっただけ行きました。行く予定がすでにあったのでもっと色々なラーメン屋さんが味見できました。

This time my first bowl was a collaboration between a handful of shops. Tai Shio Soba Toka, Men Dokoro Nakigoe, and Ramen Dining An joined force to create their Ehime Uwajima Tai Shio Soba. Uwajima is a place famous for Tai, or sea bream in English, so it makes sense that would be their theme.


The Bowl
The broth was a light, good way to start my meal, full of sea bream, a flavor I'm much more used to in sushi than in ramen. The noodles were round, firm, and white, more similar to the noodles I've seen in some bowls of pho. The menma was dark and woody, while the chashu was light and melty. A quality bowl all around.


And of course for my second bowl I went for a richer, miso bowl. This time Ramen Bakajikara, known for their miso, was serving crimson miso ramen.


The Bowl
This was a bowl made skillfully and perfect for the weather. The broth was a flavorful miso that immediately took in the smokiness of the chashu stewing in it. The pork came in the form of thick, smokey bacon. They would have been great on their own, but allowing the charred bits to flow into the soup pushed this bowl to the next level. That's aside from the solid noodles and excessively creamy egg. I wish I could have this bowl outside the festival.


Something tells me this won't be my last time here.


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