
Friday, May 27, 2016

Mario Ryu Ramen

Recently I've had the chance to visit some ramen shops in Nara. Most shops in Nara are all but inaccessible without a car, and even with a car you're in for a bit of a drive and an even longer line. After my previous trip that involved some serious hardcore tonkotsu, my friends and I went for round two at famous kotteri shop Mario Ryu Ramen.


Mario Ryu rates its ramen on a richness scale from one to ten, but of course that doesn't stop them from blowing the lid off the limit and making bowls that have upwards of 25 richness.


I went for the solidly rich 桜島, or sakurajima, a pork ramen with bonito powder and a bit of chili pepper, that weighed in at a richness of seven.


The three bowls. Are they solid or liquid?

The Bowl
This was really no joke. The soup was a murky swamp of salt and pork back fat. The chili provided a bit of spice, and there was a touch of ginger in there as well. I could only take a few spoonfuls of it, but mixing the bonito powder in made it much more tolerable. The noodles, on the other hand, were fat, providing a clean conveyer of the salty sauce. The slices of chashu too were quite large, and managed to contain a much better balance than taking on the broth on its own.


Would I Go Again?
It was very good, but I have to make sure not to eat for a couple days before I go there again. But it's far.


Should You Go?
Anyone with means and an iron stomach should go.



Sunday, May 22, 2016

Ramen Igei

On my visit to beloved Menya Taku just a few days ago, I discovered that one of the former chefs started a new shop. Called Ramen Igei, the shop follows in Taku's steps by specializing in tonkotsu gyokai ramen. I made my way to the far side of Nakatsu and ordered a bowl.


The Bowl
This was a broth where the fish came first, and the tonkotsu second. It was rich if not super thick, and doused in fish powder. The surfeit of onions and sprouts kept the flavors in check, accompanied by some extra-long, woody menma. The noodles were thin and hard, almost like Hakata noodles, which was unusual in this kind of kotteri broth, but wasn't bad. There was a massive slice of chashu hiding beneath the waters, solid and porky.


Would I Go Again?
It was good, but why head all the way out there when Taku is so close?


Should You Go?
It's worth a check for Taku lovers.



Sunday, May 15, 2016

Men to Kokoro 7

I had promised Philoramen I would finish off the Osaka Ra-sai Stamp Rally with him with his first time to the shop Men to Kokoro 7. Whoops. Nonetheless, I'll take any excuse I can get to visit this shop again. I had tried their standard fare before, so this time I went with the clam paitan tsuke soba.


I was given a side of tomatoes, onions, and basil

The Bowl
Despite being paitan, the broth was a light and buttery clam soup. There were bits of fried garlic that made it almost like an oil prepared to dip bread in. Instead, I was given noodles, which were flat and on the thinner side for tsukemen, which still meant they were pretty large. The basil added to the essence of the mixture, and the tomatoes sweetened the whole thing. After finishing the noodles I got the wari-soup, which put a simple if salty cap on the meal.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?


麺と心 7

Monday, May 2, 2016

Menya Taku

Well, this is it. The time has finally come. I have completed the Osaka Ra-sai Stamp Rally! It took a while and there were times I had doubts, but I'm happy to have hit all sixteen shops. In fact, the last space I filled on my bingo card was a free space, meaning it could be fulfilled by any shop. And what better way to go out then with Taku?


The Bowl
For once I tried the abura soba at Taku. It was simple, missing the rich flavors of the ramen I love so much, but still with fish powder, bonito, and a creamy egg. I can't say I prefer this to the ramen or tsukemen, but it was a nice way to get a taste of Taku without feeling bloated for the rest of the day.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?


The complete card!

My passport that proves I will one day die of a heart attack

And a couple months later, my prize
