
Monday, March 12, 2018

Mu Ramen

A visit back home to New York! I don't get to visit too often these days, so I like to eat a lot of food mixed in with some general walking around the city.

Black and white cookie

Ample Hills ice cream

Rainbow bagel

And of course ramen! This time I visited a long heralded shop, Mu Ramen. Mu Ramen first opened as a pop-up in a bagel shop, and then switched to a permanent location in Long Island City. I went with some friends and ordered a handful of appetizers, in addition to the namesake ox-tail Mu Ramen.

で、ラーメンも!今回噂の「Mu Ramen」に行ってみました。最初、ベーグル屋さんでのポップアップでしたけど、今ロングアイランドシティーに移転しました。友達と行って、いろいろな一品と牛骨の「Mu Ramen」を頼みました。

Spicy edamame

Fish and syrup "okonomiyaki"

Clean and slightly spicy clams

The Bowl
The cloudy tan broth was filled with unusual toppings: a half-sour pickle, and cabbage, and a couple of slices of what tasted like corned beef. The broth itself tasted light and pickly too, reminding me of the deli ramen I had tasted in a previous visit to NY. The noodles were pretty fat and curly, surprising thick for the thinner soup they were in. The beef was a nice blast of New York flavor. It felt a little out of place in the ramen, but it tasted good nonetheless.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?
If you're in NY looking for ramen, it's one of the best.



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