
Sunday, October 30, 2016


One of my friends living in Kobe told me for the longest time about a ramen shop she swore by. I don't make it to Kobe as often as I should, and she was pretty insistent, so I hopped on a train. Sangen is one of the four restaurants in the hidden Men Road, a plaza of four ramen shops in the Kobe Marui department store. I would like to visit all of them if I have time, but this time I stopped just at Sangen for the dashi shoyu.


The Bowl
Sangen's ramen was simple, but unique. The shoyu broth was thin and oily, but instead of being heavy on fat or garlic, it was filled with the flavors of the vegetables in it. Primarily it tasted like charred onions mixed with soy sauce, like a simple stir fry. Instead of the rice you get with stir fry, there were lo mein-like noodles, yellow and carrying the green onions taste.


Would I Go Again?
It was solid but I would like to try the shops surrounding it. Also it has closed since I've been there.


Should You Go?
You can't, because it's closed.



Tuesday, October 25, 2016


A friend and I were going to go drinking in Taisho, but beforehand we needed to get food. A new ramen-pasta fusion shop opened by Wadachi was in Sakaisuji Honmachi so we took a trip over there.


Closed for Obon. Well, just down the road is a shop called Norio we can try.


Strike two. Well, Antaga is a solid chicken shop in Taisho, so we can just eat when we get there.


No luck tonight. At the very least, I know some friends who swear by Tenyo, a chain of garlicky ramen shops that have a branch in Taisho.


And it was open! We went in starving, and I ordered the regular old ramen.


The Bowl
This was the kind of ramen you get at a generic chain. It was thin, and its unique flavor was salt and oil. I could appreciate this ramen before I got all snobby and started a blog, but it's a bit harder to now. True to its branding, garlic really helped the bowl out a lot. It's no surprise the bowl marked it as being related to Oriental Cafe.

やっぱり一般のチェーン店のラーメンの味でした。すっごい塩辛くて、油濃かったです。ブログを書く前の時代にもっと気に入ったかもしれません。宣伝通りニンニクを入れたらましになりました。どんぶり鉢にOriental Cafeも書いてありましたね。

Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?


にんにくラーメン 天洋

Monday, October 17, 2016


I have a small handful of shops I mean to check out when I visit Kyoto. Inoichi has been on that list, but last time I tried to go there, it was randomly closed. There was room for a line, but luckily there were plenty of seats in the restaurant. They specialize in shoyu ramen, available in the dark black or light white. I decided to go for the white.


The Bowl
This may have been shoyu, but if I hadn't been explicitly told, I would have guessed it was a light shio. It was thin and salty in a good way; the kind of ramen that won't wreck your stomach. The noodles were round slippery straws, good and easy to slurp. The jelly-like egg and dark, thick chunks of menma were the highlights of the toppings. Yuzu and tororo konbu were provided in addition; I'll never say no to some citrus in my soup, but the tororo konbu was a bit too close to seawater for my taste.


Would I Go Again?
It was good; I might stop in again and try the black.


Should You Go?
If you're in Kyoto and looking for a shio-equivalent, this is a gem.



Saturday, October 8, 2016

Ramen Mazesoba Arashi

These Taiwan mazesoba places are popping up everywhere! It was only a matter of time before one appeared in Shinsaibashi, and Ramen Mazesoba Arashi gets to claim the trophy of being first. As per standard, it has a straightforward menu with one main dish: the Taiwan maze soba.

台湾まぜそばやさんがどんどん増えてきました。やっと、心斎橋ら辺に一軒が出てきました。「らーめん まぜそば あらし」が最初でた店です。台湾まぜそば屋さんらしく、名物は「台湾まぜそば」です。

The Bowl
These bowls are starting to fall into a pattern. The noodles were nice and thick, with a tiny spice kick and rich konbu flavor. It wasn't bad, but it was salty and a little simple compared to the others I've had.


Would I Go Again?
It would be a good stop late night, but there's enough of these shops I think I'll try a different one.


Should You Go?
You should definitely try this style; this wouldn't be my go to, but it's decent and is in a good location.


らーめん まぜそば あらし

Saturday, October 1, 2016


Tennoji is not normally considered a central location for ramen in Osaka, but a new shop Wabito may be the first of many to change this. I biked down their on a day off to try their Wabito Ramen.

天王寺はラーメン激戦区と考えられていませんけど、たまに 気になる店できています。「和人らーめん」という店ができて、「和人らーめん」というメニューを食べに行きました。

All the utensils and condiments you need are hidden away in drawers

The Bowl
This was ostensibly shoyu ramen, but the broth was more like a super light seafood dashi. It was so simple and weightless it was like drinking air. The noodles were curly and short; a little thick for the broth, but the main issue was that they clumped together in hardened parts in the soup that I had to pull apart with my chopsticks. The chicken in the bowl was a bit strange; it had a taste that reminded me a little bit of citrus fruits and a little bit of the smell of dishwasher detergent.

醤油ラーメンなんですけど、すっごくあっさりとした魚介出汁の感じでした。本当にかるーくて、空気を飲んでいたかのようでした。麺は短いめの縮れ麺でした。ちょっと硬くて絡んで、お箸で取りにくかったです。鶏チャーシューもなんか面白い味がしました。あっさりとした シトラス風味がしました。

Would I Go Again?
The broth was good, but there was enough strange with the bowl that I won't be running back.


Should You Go?
You should be able to find better bowls closer to the center of the city.


麺屋 和人