
Sunday, June 18, 2017


Fukushima is a place I try to frequent, but there still somehow are a handful of shops that have managed to elude me. Tonight I made an attempt to go to Kineko.


Time for Plan B. Another shop on my list was Mutahiro, a sardine ramen shop from Tokyo. I had enjoyed the bowl I had at the Ramen Sengoku, and was curious to try their specialty, the Wahaha Niboshi Tokusei Soba.


A nice side dish of meat, eggs, bamboo shoots, and seaweed

The Bowl
In my imagination ramen like this is what they used for mirrors back in the olden days. The soup was brimming with oil and fat, making the greasy sardine broth scaldingly hot, salty, and delicious. The noodles were fat and curly, like in some of my other favorite sardine bowls.

Ordering the special "tokusei" meant I had no shortage of toppings. There were slick and chewy wonton skins, kind of an alternate to the noodles. Pork and chicken chashu provided different textures for the piles of fat that would come with them when being pulled from the dish, but the creamy egg with its partially protective white proved to be the best vessel for the salt and fat.



Would I Go Again?
I might, but given how much fat I ate directly, I can only go sparingly.


Should You Go?
This is a bowl for sardine fans who can stand a little grease.


中華そば ムタヒロ

Ramen Expo - Day 3

In my previous two trips to the Ramen Expo, my friends and I collected enough stamps to get two free bowls of ramen. I hadn't planned on making a third visit, but I guess I had no choice.

前回と前々回Ramen Expoに行った時にスタンプを集めて無料券二枚もらいました。三回まで行くつもりじゃありませんでしたけど、しょうがなかったです。

This trip I gave in completely to my impulses. Two bowls of miso. The first from quality Sendai shop, Kuroku.


The Bowl
My miso combo was off to a bang. This miso bowl was less like the grainy bowls I'm used to, but was thick, dark, and garlicky like the miso used for Nagoya specialty miso katsu. The knotty yellow noodles and thick pork that extended across the diameter of the bowl fit the theme. The light piece of tsukune chicken, however, did not, but it was delicious, so I don't care.


My second bowl was a collaboration between two Osaka shops aiming to produce a Hokkaido-style bowl that warms you up on a cold day. Ennosuke Shoten and beloved Kozo combined forces to produce the following bowl.


The Bowl
This was certainly more in the vein of what I was used to.  Bean sprouts, garlic chives, fatty thinly cut pork, and of course corn. The broth was more standard, too, though a bit too salty to drink on its own. If the two chefs were going for standard Sapporo style ramen, they nailed it.



Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ramen Expo - Day 2

I had already made a trip to the Ramen Expo in 2015, but that was just because the ramen shop I originally wanted to go to was closed. It was time for my requisite trip to the Ramen Expo, and I was happy to have a chance to try more of the shops.

Ramen Expoにもう一回行っていましたけど、その時行きたいラーメン屋さんが行けなかっただけ行きました。行く予定がすでにあったのでもっと色々なラーメン屋さんが味見できました。

This time my first bowl was a collaboration between a handful of shops. Tai Shio Soba Toka, Men Dokoro Nakigoe, and Ramen Dining An joined force to create their Ehime Uwajima Tai Shio Soba. Uwajima is a place famous for Tai, or sea bream in English, so it makes sense that would be their theme.


The Bowl
The broth was a light, good way to start my meal, full of sea bream, a flavor I'm much more used to in sushi than in ramen. The noodles were round, firm, and white, more similar to the noodles I've seen in some bowls of pho. The menma was dark and woody, while the chashu was light and melty. A quality bowl all around.


And of course for my second bowl I went for a richer, miso bowl. This time Ramen Bakajikara, known for their miso, was serving crimson miso ramen.


The Bowl
This was a bowl made skillfully and perfect for the weather. The broth was a flavorful miso that immediately took in the smokiness of the chashu stewing in it. The pork came in the form of thick, smokey bacon. They would have been great on their own, but allowing the charred bits to flow into the soup pushed this bowl to the next level. That's aside from the solid noodles and excessively creamy egg. I wish I could have this bowl outside the festival.


Something tells me this won't be my last time here.


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Tori Soba 145

A new shop had just opened on Dotonbori, which is almost too easy to visit. I'm always happy when I can visit a shop on its first day, as I was able to with chicken ramen shop Tori Soba 145, the last part pronounced "hiyoko". I went with the standard tori paitan soba, though I was tempted by the shio and miso versions.


The Bowl
As soon as the bowl arrived, I could smell its strong aroma: oil and chicken fat reminiscent of the first whiff of entering a yakitori shop. The soup's flavors backed up this scent; milky if a bit thin and full of fat and flavor. The noodles were round and a bit thin, but the smoothness of the broth if not the full flavor was carried over. Sure enough the meat in the bowl was not pork but grilled chicken, completing the yakitori-style experience, and keeping it available to customers who can't eat pork.


Would I Go Again?
I'm not in a rush to, but maybe one day if I don't feel like traveling or trying somewhere new.


Should You Go?
If you're looking for a simple and solid chicken bowl in Dotonbori, Tori Soba 145 merits a visit.



Sunday, June 4, 2017

Ramen Expo 2015 - Day 1

I had the afternoon off from work, and whenever I have a half day I think about what out-of-the-way ramen shop I can visit. This time I made my way to Tsumugu, popular shop in Minami Ibaraki.


Unfortunately I was way too late. They were long out of soup. Visiting Tsumugu would take more preparation. Fortunately, though, it was December, which mean that the now-annual event Ramen Expo had just begun in Banpaku. I walked from Tsumugu to the park, hoping to have at least one bowl of good ramen.

おそかったです!スープがなくなりました。また行く時にちゃんと準備せなあかんとわかってきました。でも、12月なのでRamen Expoが始まったばかりでした。万博公園まで歩いて行って、何かラーメン食べれるかなと思いました。

For this visit I decided my first bowl would be something light and easy to drink, so I would still be hungry for a second. I aimed for Due Italian, a shio shop from Tokyo with a soup base and chunks of cheese as toppings.


The Bowl
This was a strange experiment indeed. The broth at first was a standard shio; nothing too unusual except for how salty it was. It was really waiting for the cheese to be mixed in, forming a thicker ramen-style macaroni and cheese. The thin noodles too were quite slurpable, until they took in the cheese and turned a delicious, sticky gob. This was an interesting way to take a standard bowl and turn it into something unique.


For my next bowl I turned to Menya Yu, also from Tokyo, who showed up with a sweet shrimp miso bowl, a weakness of mine.


The Bowl
This was the exact opposite of the first bowl and exactly what I was looking for: a powerful miso hiding a nice shrimp subtext. The noodles were firm and carried the shrimp flavor well, but could have used to be a bit thicker given how rich the soup was. The pork, too, was a bit overbearing, and was easily outshined by the shrimpy soup.


Goodbye Tower of the Sun. I'll see you again.


Friday, June 2, 2017

Rokkun Billy S1

When I was in Tokyo I was recommended to go to Rokkun Billy S1, the new shop formed by Junichi Shimazaki, ramen legend and former manager of 69'N'ROLL ONE. I'm embarrassed I wasn't even aware of it, but at least it was in Hyogo, where I rarely venture. At any rate, I no longer had any excuse to have not visited, so I took the train to the suburbs of Amagasaki. I went with the standard shoyu: the Ama Rock.


The Bowl
After eating wild and weird bowls it's easy to forget how good straight shoyu can be. Rokkun Billy made me remember. The Ama Rock had soup that seemed equal parts oil and soy sauce; the texture was light and grainy, with a bit of green and red onions mixed in a strong aftertaste. The noodles came in thin bunches than slurped almost too easily. The meat was superb too, peppery, thin slices that matched the understated complexity of the bowl.


Would I Go Again?
Yes, if I can make it out that far.


Should You Go?


I hope I can see this face again

らぁめん矢 ロックンビリースーパーワン