
Sunday, October 29, 2017

Tenkatoitsu Ramen Battle - Day 6

Day 6 at the Tenkatoitsu Ramen Battle. This time I just had Tokyo Sabar's saba dashi ramen.


The Bowl
On its face this was a light shio, but one sip made it clear how permeated with saba it was. The noodles were, like the soup, nearly clear, and covered with bits of the same taste. There was a piece of grilled saba as well. Even though the flavor was at its core the same as the soup, the barely crispy skin and soft insides was an interesting change of texture.



Thursday, October 26, 2017

Tenkatoitsu Ramen Battle - Day 5

More and more bowls at the Tenkatoitsu Ramen Battle. first up was a rich chicken shoyu with barbecue pork from Junk Story.

また天下統一ラーメンバトル!まずはJunk Storyの濃厚醤油炙りチャーシュー鶏そばでした。

The Bowl
As opposed to Junk Story's usual clear-as-day shio, this was a heavy chicken gravy. The medium-sized noodles glopped on to each other using the molasses-like soup as glue. As advertised in the dish name, the charred slices of pork managed to cut through the broth's weight.

Junk Storyの普通の透き通った塩と違って、どろどろとしたグレービーソース的な鶏スープでした。黄色い麺ははスープのノリでいっぱい絡んできました。メニュー名通り炙りチャーシューの味がうまくて、スープの味を超えられました。

Next up was a simpler bowl: Taiwan maze soba from Kokoro.


The Bowl
This was maybe the spiciest bowl I had at the battle so far. It wasn't super hot, but had a nice kick. The noodles stuck to the bits of onions and seaweed, thanks to the sticky sheen applied from the raw egg. This wasn't my favorite bowl of Taiwan maze soba, but a good one for the festival.



Monday, October 23, 2017

Tenkatoitsu Ramen Battle - Day 4

Another trip to the Tenkatoitsu Ramen Battle! This time just a stop at Musashi.


The Bowl
This was a standard miso, rich with the taste of the menma that came in chewy strips and was scattered about the bowl. The noodles were curly, yellow, and full of bounce. Overall this was no standout bowl, but it was a nice break from some of the other ramen I had tried at the festival.



Saturday, October 14, 2017

Tenkatoitsu Ramen Battle - Day 3

Day 3 of the Tenkatoitusu Ramen Battle! First up was Onomichi ramen Koh.


The Bowl
It turns out that thin, hoison sauce-tasting shoyu broth warms you quite up on a cold day. There was just a bit of pork back fat, much less than the bowls I had in Onomichi. This worked out though, as it left me satisfied and hungry for another bowl.


My next bowl was at Gachinko Ramen Michi Hiiragi.

次にがちんこらーめん道 柊に行きました。

The Bowl
A meat-laden shish kebab? Now that's what I call ramen. The soup here was like liquid fat with a dose of garlic. I don't know if it was made to be drank, but it worked well as a dipping oil for the various meats and veggies that came with the dish. Not too surprising, the crispy skinned karaage and fatty square of bacon were the highlights.



Sunday, October 8, 2017

Tenkatoitsu Ramen Battle - Day 2

Day 2 at the Tenkatoitsu Ramen Battle. Let's get into it then.


First up was golden chicken chuka soba from Yamagata Shinshunya.


The Bowl
A light, shoyu broth with the simple taste of chicken oil glazing the top, topped off with a dash of pepper. The noodles were fat and curly, and they worked well despite the simplicity of the broth. Chewy bits of motsu closed off the bowl.


Bowl number two was Keika Ramen from Kumamoto.


The Bowl
Even though I haven't been to Kumamoto, I'm familiar with the style. Garlicky tonkotsu with a hard-boiled egg plopped right in the middle. Cabbage, seaweed, and most scrumptiously thick slices of chashu with charred edges.



Sunday, October 1, 2017

Tenkatoitsu Ramen Battle - Day 1

Ramen festivals in Nishiumeda have started to become an annual event. They happen to be very convenient for me, so whenever they occur I make frequent trips to them.


First up was Ganja's seafood tonkotsu chashu ramen.


The Bowl
A nice, cloudy fishy bowl to warm my spirits at the first day at this festival. Nothing is more welcoming in a bowl than a large slice of chashu, fresh with grill marks.



Hey, what's my name doing on there?