
Monday, March 26, 2018

Menya Joroku

I've visited the famous Joroku before when it was known as Marujo. Unfortunately, even though I'd been there a couple times, I had never actually uploaded my experience to the blog. Any excuse to return to Joroku is a good one! I got the standard chuka soba, which is done in the Takaida-kei style.


The Bowl
A take on the standard Takaida-kei super salty shoyu, Joroku presents a bowl just as dark and flavorful, but peppery and much more drinkable. The noodles, too, are thinner, but still plenty wheaty, able to handle the relatively less sodium in the bowl. This is still the kind of bowl I like to see: a modern, excellent execution of a standard style.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?


麺屋 丈六

Monday, March 19, 2018

Tonkotsu Mazesoba KOZOU+

One of my favorite ramen shops decided to open an abura soba shop just around the corner. As soon as I heard about it, I wasted no time in visiting Tonkotsu Mazesoba KOZOU+, and ordering their tonkotsu mazesoba with a small serving of rice to mix in at the end.


The Bowl
The bowl was laid out nicely at first, with Dolce Porco cubes of chashu and SKW or Special Kozo Wave noodles. I mixed it around, and the whole thing tasted a bit like a mongolian grill noodle stir fry dish. Partway through I mixed in some mustard on the side, and was almost like some kind of weird sausage pasta. This was thankfully a bit lighter than normal Kozo, but still delicious.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?



Thursday, March 15, 2018

Sapporo Ramen Shishio

If Osaka is missing any one kind of ramen, it's miso. I was as happy as ever when Sapporo Ramen Shishio opened up in Shinsaibashi. Without hesitating I ordered the rich miso ramen.


The Bowl
The soup was a cloudy if oily brown miso. It was fatty and flavorful, and even had a bit of that tonkotsu stink. There were sesame seeds strewn about, that added just a bit of flavor and texture. The noodles were the standard fat, yellow, curly noodles, appropriate for the broth. The chashu came in a few solid slabs. Overall this was a good, standard version of miso: something Osaka is sorely lacking.


Would I Go Again?
I'm not in a rush, but I might if I'm feeling miso in Minami.


Should You Go?
Any Osakan lacking miso should check this place out.



Monday, March 12, 2018

Mu Ramen

A visit back home to New York! I don't get to visit too often these days, so I like to eat a lot of food mixed in with some general walking around the city.

Black and white cookie

Ample Hills ice cream

Rainbow bagel

And of course ramen! This time I visited a long heralded shop, Mu Ramen. Mu Ramen first opened as a pop-up in a bagel shop, and then switched to a permanent location in Long Island City. I went with some friends and ordered a handful of appetizers, in addition to the namesake ox-tail Mu Ramen.

で、ラーメンも!今回噂の「Mu Ramen」に行ってみました。最初、ベーグル屋さんでのポップアップでしたけど、今ロングアイランドシティーに移転しました。友達と行って、いろいろな一品と牛骨の「Mu Ramen」を頼みました。

Spicy edamame

Fish and syrup "okonomiyaki"

Clean and slightly spicy clams

The Bowl
The cloudy tan broth was filled with unusual toppings: a half-sour pickle, and cabbage, and a couple of slices of what tasted like corned beef. The broth itself tasted light and pickly too, reminding me of the deli ramen I had tasted in a previous visit to NY. The noodles were pretty fat and curly, surprising thick for the thinner soup they were in. The beef was a nice blast of New York flavor. It felt a little out of place in the ramen, but it tasted good nonetheless.


Would I Go Again?


Should You Go?
If you're in NY looking for ramen, it's one of the best.



Monday, March 5, 2018

Katmandu Ramen

Today's shop is a bit different from the normal shops I go to. It was created by a guy who originally created a curry shop, so Katmandu is almost more of a curry shop than a ramen shop. Since I love curry, I was pretty excited and ordered the special curry ramen.


The Bowl
Sure enough, this was pretty much a bowl of straight-up Indian curry. It was thick, but not too spicy. Most curry ramen shops I've been to tend to thin out or sweeten their curry, so I was happy to see a place present a nice and rich curry. The noodles were medium and curly, a nice alternative to rice or naan. I really loved the dry piece of spiced tikka on the side; I would have taken plenty more of that if I could have.


Would I Go Again?
Maybe, I'm curious about some of their other dishes.


Should You Go?
I recommend this place for curry fans.



Friday, March 2, 2018


A couple of years ago, one of my favorite shops in Tokyo closed. Kururi was a great miso shop, with thick noodles and an even thicker broth. Luckily, though, shortly thereafter it reopened only in its original location as spicy miso ramen sho Otsukaya. I ordered the standard spicy miso ramen.


The Bowl
Sure enough, Otsukaya is not too far from the original. It was a spicy red sauce covered in red pepper flakes and onions. One by one I fished the fat, short noodles out, enjoying the hot broth until I was full. The chashu came in fat cubes, also absorbing the spicy soup.


Would I Go Again?
Yes. I can't say I like it quite as much as the more standard Kururi, but I would like to go back.


Should You Go?

